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Personalization · 

5 minutes

Cormac O'SullivanPiggy

Personalization in B2B: Unlocking the Potential for Growth

Are you wondering how to provide a tailored experience for your business clients? You're not alone. Businesses worldwide are finding that personalization in B2B is becoming increasingly critical. But what is personalization, and why is it so vital? This article will explore these aspects and more.

What is Personalization?

At its core, personalization involves tailoring your business offerings to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual customers or customer segments. It goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach and strives to create personalized customer experiences. This approach is applied across various customer touchpoints, including websites, email communication, product offerings, and customer service.

How is Personalization Different in B2B?

While personalization is critical in both B2C and B2B contexts, the approach in B2B personalization is different. B2B personalization often involves larger account teams, longer sales cycles, and greater focus on relationships. It's also often about delivering the right content to the right decision-makers within a business, at the right time. Moreover, in B2B, personalization can help position your business as a trusted advisor, helping you build long-term relationships.

Aspects of B2B Personalization

There are many facets to B2B personalization, each playing a crucial role in shaping a tailored experience for your business clients. Let's delve into some of these aspects.

Define & Understand Your Market

Before you can begin personalizing, you must first understand your market and the different customer segments within it. Conduct market research to identify these segments and learn about their needs and preferences.

Data Collection & Management

Personalization in B2B relies heavily on data. This involves collecting relevant customer data such as purchase history, interactions with your website, feedback, and more. Managing this data effectively is crucial to drive meaningful personalization.

Customer Segmentation

Once you've gathered ample customer data, segment your customers into different groups. Segments can be based on factors like business size, industry, behavior, and more. Tailor your strategies and communications to each segment for effective personalization.

Personalized Content & Messaging

Create content based on your B2B customer segments. Whether it's a blog post, a newsletter, or social media content, ensure it's relevant and engaging for your specific audience. Personalized messaging can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Personalized Offers & Product Recommendations

Understanding your customers' needs and preferences can help you provide tailored offers and product recommendations. Doing this not only increases the likelihood of a purchase but also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis can help anticipate customer behavior, needs, and preferences. This can be invaluable in providing personalized experiences, as you can tailor your offerings based on what you predict a customer will want or need in the future.

Account Based Marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a B2B strategy that focuses on individual client accounts. With ABM, you can personalize your approach for each account, catering to its unique needs and objectives.

Personalization Technology

There's a range of technologies available today that can aid in personalization. Tools like customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and analytics software can all contribute to more effective personalization.

Privacy & Ethical Considerations

While personalization is crucial, it's also essential to respect customers' privacy. Be transparent about how you're using customer data and ensure you're complying with all relevant data protection regulations.

Testing & Optimization

Personalization is not a one-time effort. It requires continuous testing and optimization. Regularly analyze your strategies to identify what's working and what isn't and make necessary adjustments.

Cross-Channel Personalization

Don't limit personalization to one channel. Instead, strive to provide a consistent, personalized experience across all customer touchpoints, whether it's email, your website, or social media.

Unique Examples of Personalization in B2B

Let's explore some unique and lesser-known examples of B2B personalization. These companies have each approached personalization in innovative ways, driving engagement and conversions in the process.

Airstory's Content Creation Personalization

Airstory, a writing collaboration tool, offers an excellent example of personalization in content creation. Airstory has developed a unique onboarding experience for its users. During the onboarding process, users are asked about their writing needs. Based on this input, the software then personalizes the user's dashboard, offering relevant templates and tools.

Intercom's AI-Driven Chatbots

Intercom stands out in B2B personalization through its use of AI-driven chatbots. These chatbots provide visitors with personalized messages based on their behavior on the site. For instance, if a visitor repeatedly visits pricing pages, the chatbot might offer help understanding the pricing models.

Vendasta's Email Personalization

Vendasta, a platform for selling digital solutions to local businesses, personalizes its email communication based on user behavior. For example, if a user starts but doesn't finish setting up their profile, Vendasta sends a personalized email with a call to action prompting them to complete their profile setup.

Slintel's Personalized Product Recommendations

Slintel, a sales intelligence platform, employs a unique strategy for personalized product recommendations. Slintel analyzes a customer's past purchases and usage behavior, then uses this data to recommend other relevant services.

Opportunities for Personalization in B2B

There are numerous opportunities to implement personalization strategies in a B2B context. Let's look at some of the main areas where personalization can really make a difference.


Email is a primary communication channel in B2B marketing. Personalized emails, from subject lines to the body content, can significantly boost open rates and click-through rates. The more relevant your email content is to the recipient, the more engaging it will be.

Website Experience

B2B website personalization involves creating customized experiences for visitors. This could involve customized greetings, content, product suggestions, or special browsing experiences based on the visitor's history, industry, or preferences.

Sales Interactions

Sales teams can leverage data to personalize their interactions with potential clients. This could involve using customer data to tailor their sales pitch or to anticipate a prospect's questions or needs.

Product Recommendations

If you understand your customers' needs and preferences, you can provide personalized product recommendations. This can improve customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of a purchase.

Customer Service

A personalized approach to customer service can significantly enhance the customer experience. This might involve using customer data to provide more targeted support or tailoring your communication style to match the client's.

Cross-Selling and Upselling

By understanding your customers' business needs, you can identify opportunities for cross-selling or upselling. For instance, if a client frequently purchases a particular product or service, they may also be interested in a complementary offering.

Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs can be an effective way to foster customer loyalty. These programs personalize to cater to different customer segments, providing rewards that truly hold value to the recipient.


In some cases, there may be opportunities to personalize pricing for different customers. This might involve offering volume discounts for large purchases or providing flexible pricing models based on the customer's business needs.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a prime area for personalization. Creating content that interests and connects with your target audience can have several benefits. It can increase engagement, build trust, and establish your brand as a leader in your industry.

Product Customization

If applicable, you could offer options for product customization. This allows customers to tailor your product or service to their specific needs, which can be a powerful differentiator in the B2B marketplace.


B2B personalization offers chances to connect with customers, meet their needs, and achieve business success. While it can be a complex undertaking, the benefits far outweigh the investment. This paves the way for improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth.

As technology continues to evolve, it's clear that personalization will play an increasingly crucial role in the B2B landscape. So, if you haven't already, now is the time to start exploring the potential of personalization in your B2B strategy.

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