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Employee experience · 

4 minutes

Cormac O'SullivanPiggy

Job Enrichment: Boosting Satisfaction & Productivity

The concept of job enrichment has emerged as a strategic approach to increase employee job satisfaction, improve productivity, and reduce absenteeism. In this blog, we delve into the ins and outs of job enrichment, how it contrasts with job enlargement, and how it can transform your workplace.

What is job enrichment? A definition

Job enrichment is a managerial concept that involves redesigning jobs to incorporate more motivating factors. It aims to give employees opportunities to use their skills and abilities fully. By increasing job depth, job enrichment seeks to add tasks that require higher responsibility, similar to those performed by someone at a higher level in the organization.

What is job enlargement?

On the other hand, job enlargement is a job design technique wherein the number of tasks associated with a job is increased, but at the same level of challenge. The objective of job enlargement is to make jobs less monotonous by offering a greater variety of activities. This, in turn, can help in boosting employee morale and skill set, although the tasks added remain on the same level of difficulty and responsibility.

Job enrichment VS job enlargement

While both job enrichment and job enlargement aim to increase job satisfaction and counteract the adverse effects of repetitive work, they are fundamentally different strategies. Job enrichment involves adding tasks of a higher level, increasing an employee's autonomy, and providing opportunities for personal growth and learning new skills. In contrast, job enlargement focuses on horizontal expansion, adding more of the same level tasks to increase variety in an employee's work.

Examples of job enrichment

The implementation of job enrichment can take many forms in the workplace. Here are some vivid examples:

Incorporating More Administrative Tasks

Giving employees more administrative control over their work can increase a sense of responsibility and ownership. This might involve tasks such as budget management, time scheduling, or coordination roles that traditionally fall to management.

Granting Autonomy

Autonomy allows employees to decide how they complete tasks. Google's well-known '20% time' policy, where engineers can spend one day a week working on a project of their choice, is a classic example of job enrichment.

Offering More Feedback

Feedback is an important component of job enrichment as it allows employees to see how their work contributes to the organization. Regular, constructive feedback helps employees feel valued and understand how their role fits into the larger company goals.

Encouraging Skill Development

Job enrichment often involves providing opportunities for skill development. This might involve specialized training, opportunities to attend conferences or workshops, or even cross-departmental training.

Implementing Job Rotation

Job rotation allows employees to move between different roles within the company, helping them gain a broad range of skills and a better understanding of the organization.

To give you an overview of what exactly job enrichment looks like in practice, here's a video we've put together.

Job enrichment theory explained

Job enrichment is based on Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of motivation. According to Herzberg, two distinct factors influence job satisfaction: hygiene factors (e.g., salary, work conditions) that, if absent, can create job dissatisfaction, and motivators (e.g., recognition, responsibility) that, if present, can stimulate job satisfaction.

Job enrichment seeks to enhance the "motivators" by adding more challenging tasks, recognition, opportunities for advancement, and responsibility to the job, thereby increasing the intrinsic rewards of work. This is based on the premise that a job that offers opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and growth will motivate employees.

Herzberg’s study of enrichment as a motivator

Frederick Herzberg's famous study concluded that to truly motivate employees, companies need to focus on factors that lead to job satisfaction, such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and growth or advancement, rather than merely avoiding factors that cause job dissatisfaction. This study laid the foundation for the concept of job enrichment.

Strategies for job enrichment

Job enrichment strategies involve adding complexity and higher-order tasks to an employee’s role. Here are a few strategies:

Vertical Loading

This involves giving employees tasks that are typically performed by someone at a higher level. This could mean giving a team member the responsibility to manage a project, or making decisions that would usually be reserved for their manager.

Increased Control

Giving employees more control over their job can lead to increased job satisfaction. This can involve setting their own work pace, choosing which tasks to tackle first, or making decisions that affect their work.

Direct Feedback

Providing direct feedback to employees can help them understand the impact of their work. This might involve showing them how their work contributes to the company's goals or providing immediate feedback on their performance.

Fostering Relationships

Encouraging employees to build relationships with their colleagues can also enrich their job. This can involve facilitating team building activities or encouraging collaboration between different departments.

Skill Development

Provide opportunities for employees to develop new skills. This might involve providing training programs or encouraging employees to attend relevant workshops or conferences.


Job enrichment has profound benefits for both employees and the organization. By making jobs more rewarding and challenging, organizations can boost employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, and ultimately drive higher productivity. While implementing job enrichment strategies requires thoughtful consideration and planning, the potential benefits make it well worth the effort.

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